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structure nameCSL (RBP-JK) BOUND TO DNA
(Recombining binding protein suppressor of hairless)
referenceFriedmann et al. J.Biol.Chem. 283 14781 2008
sourceMus musculus
experimentX-ray (resolution=2.20, R-factor=0.221)
structural superfamilyDNA-binding protein LAG-1 CSL;p53-like transcription factors;E set domains;
sequence familyBetatrefoil; LAG1, DNA binding; IPT/TIG domain;
multimeric complexes3nbn_AD
redundant complexes2f8x
reference complex3iag_C
links to other resourcesNAKB PDBSum PDIdb DNAproDB
protein sequence
interface signatureYERSKRS

Estimated binding specificities ?

# IC=8.004 IC/col=1.001 n_of_columns=8 specificity:   
A |   9   0   0   0   9   0  96  69
C |   9   0   0   0   9   0   0   9
G |  11  96   0  96  67  96   0   9
T |  67   0  96   0  11   0   0   9

Dendrogram of similar interfaces ?

matrix format
  YTETRGSTKG--RTSA----------   L                           +-3brg_C    
  YTETRGSTKGKT--STQA--------   L   !                       +-3brd_A    
  --------------------KT----   L   !        +----------------2ram_A    
  ------------------QA--KARC   L            +----------------1p7h_L    

updated Mon Dec 16 20:33:30 2024