structure name | CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF HUMAN USF2 BHLHLZ DOMAIN IN COMPLEX WITH DNA (Upstream stimulatory factor 2) |
reference | Huang et al. J.Biol.Chem. 299 105240 2023 |
source | Homo sapiens |
experiment | X-ray (resolution=3.50, R-factor=0.245) |
structural superfamily | HLH, helix-loop-helix DNA-binding domain;Leucine zipper domain; |
sequence family | Helixloophelix DNAbinding domain; |
multimeric complexes | 8ia3_AB 8ia3_EF |
links to other resources | NAKB PDIdb DNAproDB |
protein sequence | |
interface signature | HNVERR |
Estimated binding specificities ?
contact |
A | 16 0 0 96 16 0 C | 13 0 96 0 54 0 G | 54 96 0 0 13 96 T | 13 0 0 0 13 0scan! |
updated Wed Dec 18 18:26:26 2024