interface graph thumbnail
legend  pdf

structure nameWT CRISPR-CAS12A WITH A 5BP R-LOOP
redundant complexes5b43_A 5kk5_A 5xh6_A 5xh7_A 8sfi_A 8sfj_A 8sfl_A 8sfn_A 8sfo_A 8sfp_A 8sfq_A 8sfr_A
links to other resourcesNAKB PDBSum PDIdb DNAproDB
protein sequence
interface signatureTKNPDAKMKQPNK

Estimated binding specificities ?

# IC=3.365 IC/col=0.561 n_of_columns=6 specificity:   
A |   8   7  96   9  10  18
C |  10   7   0  11  10  18
G |   8   7   0  67  10  42
T |  70  75   0   9  66  18

updated Wed Dec 18 19:25:38 2024